Battery Saver Pro - Battery Save - proud to be "extremely easy" Android Battery Saver & Power Manager. This application helps users save battery life with a single touch by optimizing phone settings which functions as Memory Cleaner, App Killer, Task Killer, and various functions of the controller.
Battery Saver Pro 5 in 1 Toolbox Mix App! - One -Tap Optimizer including Memory Cleaner, Junk, Task Killer, the controller function.
- Cleans up Memory, Kills tasks with extremely simple one touch "optimization" button to save battery!
- Indicates how many hours you can save with a single touch. Protect your phone from drain!
- Tracks and shows which applications are drainage and extend battery life at a certain level
- Choose the app that drains the most and Uninstall / or / Stop Force, to save time!
- Indicates the remaining / limit time for Talktime, Game, in standby mode, an audio, MoviePlayback, WebSurfing and reading.
Battery Saver Pro 5 in 1 Toolbox Mix App! - One -Tap Optimizer including Memory Cleaner, Junk, Task Killer, the controller function.
- Cleans up Memory, Kills tasks with extremely simple one touch "optimization" button to save battery!
- Indicates how many hours you can save with a single touch. Protect your phone from drain!
- Tracks and shows which applications are drainage and extend battery life at a certain level
- Choose the app that drains the most and Uninstall / or / Stop Force, to save time!
- Indicates the remaining / limit time for Talktime, Game, in standby mode, an audio, MoviePlayback, WebSurfing and reading.